Facial Cleansing Devices

Facial Cleansing Devices


Cleansing Devices and Cleansing Tools

Looking for a deeper clean for your skin, to really decongest the pores and reveal more natural skin luminosity? Browse our extensive array of expert cleansing devices to amplify your current skincare regime results. By engaging sonic vibrations with a variety of cleansing modes adaptable to your specific skin type, your skin can experience an unrivaled cleanse, improved skin tone, smoother skin texture and enhanced clarity with the help of a cleansing device. Some cleansing devices use oscillating brush heads to shift dirt and debris whilst others use sonic vibrations via silicone nodules to remove impurities from the skin.

Best Cleansing Devices and Tools

The best cleansing device will match your skin type perfectly to help eradicate dirt, excess oil, makeup, sunscreen and pollution from the skin’s surface whilst maintaining the integrity of your skin. Manual cleansing with your favourite gel & foam cleanser or cream & milk cleanser often removes the surface debris from the skin but can struggle to detoxify the skin and thoroughly clean the pores where dead skin cells and pollutants can become trapped. Try the O Cosmedics O Sonic Cleansing Brush or best-selling Foreo Luna 3 Plus for superior cleansing results. Without proper cleansing of the pores, this trapped oil and dirt can contribute to blemishes and breakouts, as well as contributing to a lackluster skin appearance.

Products to Use With a Cleansing Device

The beauty of choosing a good quality cleansing device is that you can often keep using your favourite cleanser and reap greater results. No matter if you enjoy a cream, milk, gel or foaming cleanser, most cleansers will work in harmony with a cleansing device. Just be sure to avoid using a granular cleanser or micellar water with a cleansing device as the intensified friction could cause irritation on the skin. Following the use of a cleansing device, your skin will be feeling fresh and ready for your preferred serum, use of other skincare devices & tools and moisturiser with subsequent topic products becoming more readily absorbed.

Anti-Aging Cleansing Device

Many cleaning devices use sonic vibrations or pulses to help loosen and shift embedded dirt and debris from the skin, in addition to using targeted micro currents and LED light therapy to help diminish the signs of ageing. The Foreo Luna range is ideal for those concerned with ageing as these cleansing devices also stimulate micro circulation, lymphatic drainage and collagen production to help improve the appearance of skin sagging, fine lines, wrinkles and help plump the skin for a more youthful appearance..

What Product Should I Use With My Cleansing Device

Use your preferred cleanser whether that be a cream cleaner, milk cleanser, balm cleanser, gel cleanser or foaming cleanser with a cleansing device to ensure the skin is well lubricated and pore cleansing is enhanced for best results. It is not advisable to use a cleansing lotion, micellar water or granular cleanser with a cleansing device however as there is a chance the skin could experience irritation from the friction created by this combination.

How To Choose The Best Cleansing Device

Be sure to browse our range of cleansing devices and read the products reviews posted by previous customers to help influence your choice of cleansing device. The main requirement to keep in mind is to select a cleansing device best suited to your skin type to ensure ultimate comfort and best results. Our products include sensitive skin, oily skin, normal skin and combination skin cleansing devices along with cleansing devices created specifically with men's skin in mind. By choosing a cleansing device for your skin type, your skin will reap the rewards of a deep cleanse without any irritation or discomfort.

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