O&M Style Guru 150ml

O&M Style Guru 150ml
    O&M Style Guru 150ml

    O&M Style Guru 150ml


    An O&M classic, this lightweight styling cream adds texture, volume and lasting hydration to all hair types. Allowing you to create a myriad of looks, this paraben-free formula combines nourishing Shea Butter with O&M's signature oil blend of Organic Coconut Oil and Macadamia Oil to smooth and soften the hair texture. Offering light-medium hold, this clean formula is loved by both women and men and is perfect for all hair types and lengths.

    O&M products are safe to use on coloured hair, sensitive skin and are clean from: Sulphates, MIT, Parabens, Triclosan, Propylene Glycol, Phthalates & Gluten.

    SKU: 9333478000588

    Active Ingredients

    The Active Edit